Windows Deployment:

Creating a task sequence in MDT


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It’s now time to deploy !

The script for deploying is called a Task Sequence.

Right clic on Task Sequence and select New Task Sequence

New task sequence

Define the sequenceID (which must be unique), the task sequence name and add comments if you want :

MDT task sequence wizzard

Then select a Standard Client Task Sequence

Standard task sequence

Select the OS you want to deploy :

Task sequence - os selection

Select the product Key, if necessary :

product key selection

Define user name and organisation, then default IE home page :

MDT wizzard

Define the default local admin password :

admin password

Then confirm the summary :

summary task sequence

Done !

end of wizzard

Let’s look deep inside, now:

MDT task sequence properties

First tab show basic properties :

task sequence basic properties

But the second tab show all the “magic” :

MDT Task sequence details

You can start to customize.

Customization of the task sequence

I won’t show all steps one by one, but here are the most important to me :

  • Validate : this is a step where you can define the minimal specifications for a computer before migrating it :

  • Format and partition Disk is an important step, where you can define your partitions size.

For example, here I create a C partition of a fixed size of 50 Gb, then a Data partition with the free space.

mdt format 

  • The Inject drivers phase is also important :

MDT inject drivers

Never inject all drivers ! It will generate lot of conflicts.

If you have only a few models of PC, you can create one task per model. But the best way consist in creating one folder and one selection profile per model, then update the customsettings.ini file (in the properties of the Deployment share):

Create a Settings section :


;auto select the filters for drivers




Then one section per model, for exemple :

[Latitude E6410]

DriverSelectionProfile=Drivers Win 7 Dell E6410 x64


[Latitude E6420]

DriverSelectionProfile=Drivers Win 7 Dell E6420 x64


[Latitude XT2]

DriverSelectionProfile=Drivers Win 7 Dell XT2 x64


[OptiPlex 380]

DriverSelectionProfile=Drivers Win 7 Dell Optiplex 380 x64


[OptiPlex 755]

DriverSelectionProfile=Drivers Win 7 Dell Optiplex 755 x64

The text after DriverSelectionProfile refer to a selection profile.

The Model variable is coming from an MDT string, who will show the model given by the BIOS.

You can predict the model string using the following script :

Save it as a vbs script :

strComputer = "."

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem")

For Each objItem In colItems

      WScript.Echo "In MDT Variable Make will be: " & objItem.Manufacturer

      WScript.Echo "In MDT Variable Model will be: " & objItem.Model


And then run it.

  • Languages Pack : for applying them, use the Apply patch step.

MDT task 

The Install Applications allow you to deploy Applications, we’ll see it later.
 - Sommaire Windows Serveur - Sommaire Windows Vista : sommaire