Windows Deployment:

Lite Touch Wizzard of MDT 2010


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After having done all the previous steps :

Installation of WDS with Windows Server 2008 R2

Setup MDT 2010 and AIK

Create a deployment share

Importing of OS and Languages Packs

Import of Windows PE drivers

Generation of Lite Touch.wim

Windows 7 drivers integrated

Task sequence creation

Importing Office 2010 in MDT

It's now time to try and validate your work :

Run the computer you want to deploy and then select to boot from the network card (F12) :

Lite Touch boot

Select the same architecture of the OS you want to deploy :

Lite Touch Wizzard

Don't forget to select your keyboard layout and select to Run the Deployment Wizzard .

Type your credentials to access the MDT server :

Lite Touch credentials

Then select the task Sequence you want to use :

Deploy Windows 7

You can now define the name of your computer (there is already a default name). Note that if you plan to capture your image there is no reason to change the computer name :

Computer name Lite Touch

If you plan to capture your image, select a workgroup, otherwise you can add your PC in the domain :

Add coputer  in domain

Don't choose to restore data :

Lite touch migrate data

Select applications to be deployed :

Lite Touch applications

Then validate your options by pressing Begin.



The sequence will now run :

Installing the OS :

Lite Touch setup OS

Then after a restart the applications are setup :

Lite touch setup applications

And then the process end :

Lite Touch completed - Sommaire Windows Serveur - Sommaire Windows Vista : sommaire