Astuces Office 365 pour les administrateurs
- Gestion
- Gestion par Powershell
– prérequis :
- Installer Powershell
- Dans une fenêtre avec privilèges élevés (exécuter en tant qu’administrateur) activer l’exécution automatique : Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- Démarrer WinRM : net start winrm
- Vérifier l’état de WinRM : winrm get winrm/config/client/auth
- Si le niveau d’authentification est Basic = false le passer à True : winrm set winrm/config/client/auth @{Basic= »true »}
– connexion de Powershell à votre tenant :
- Saisie des crédentials : $LiveCred = Get-Credential
- Initialisation : $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
- Connexion : Import-PSSession $Session
Pour se déconnecter : Remove-PSSession $Session
Interface graphique :
- Microsoft Online Services Module for Windows PowerShell 32-bit
- Microsoft Online Services Module for Windows PowerShell 64-bit
Prérequis : Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant 7.0 :
- Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant 32-bit
- Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant 64-bit
When installed you can launch Windows PowerShell and perform the following steps:
Initialisation :
PS D:\Windows\system32> $cred = get-credential Credential PS D:\Windows\system32> Connect-MsolService -cred $cred
Liste des commandes : PS D:\Windows\system32> Get-Command -Module msonline
Capability Name ModuleName ---------- ---- ---------- Cmdlet Add-MsolGroupMember MSOnline Cmdlet Add-MsolRoleMember MSOnline Cmdlet Confirm-MsolDomain MSOnline Cmdlet Connect-MsolService MSOnline Cmdlet Convert-MsolDomainToFederated MSOnline Cmdlet Convert-MsolDomainToStandard MSOnline Cmdlet Convert-MsolFederatedUser MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolAccountSku MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolCompanyInformation MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolContact MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolDomain MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolDomainFederationSettings MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolDomainVerificationDns MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolFederationProperty MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolGroup MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolGroupMember MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolPartnerContract MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolPartnerInformation MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolPasswordPolicy MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolRole MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolRoleMember MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolSubscription MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolUser MSOnline Cmdlet Get-MsolUserRole MSOnline Cmdlet New-MsolDomain MSOnline Cmdlet New-MsolFederatedDomain MSOnline Cmdlet New-MsolGroup MSOnline Cmdlet New-MsolLicenseOptions MSOnline Cmdlet New-MsolUser MSOnline Cmdlet Redo-MsolProvisionContact MSOnline Cmdlet Redo-MsolProvisionGroup MSOnline Cmdlet Redo-MsolProvisionUser MSOnline Cmdlet Remove-MsolContact MSOnline Cmdlet Remove-MsolDomain MSOnline Cmdlet Remove-MsolFederatedDomain MSOnline Cmdlet Remove-MsolGroup MSOnline Cmdlet Remove-MsolGroupMember MSOnline Cmdlet Remove-MsolRoleMember MSOnline Cmdlet Remove-MsolUser MSOnline Cmdlet Restore-MsolUser MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolADFSContext MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolCompanyContactInformation MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolCompanySettings MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolDirSyncEnabled MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolDomain MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolDomainAuthentication MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolDomainFederationSettings MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolGroup MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolPartnerInformation MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolPasswordPolicy MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolUser MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolUserLicense MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolUserPassword MSOnline Cmdlet Set-MsolUserPrincipalName MSOnline Cmdlet Update-MsolFederatedDomain MSOnline
– commandes utiles : cf et
Lister les mailbox :
Get-Mailbox | Format-Table Alias,*SMTP*
get-mailbox | fl name, emailaddresses
Statistiques :
Get-MailboxStatistics –identity “laurent.gebeau”
Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics
Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics | Select-Object DisplayName, IsArchiveMailbox, ItemCount, TotalItemSize | Format-Table –autosize
Changer l'email primaire / le SIP : (de kim Akers qui avait, on ajoute, )
Set-Mailbox -EmailAddresses,,,
set-mailbox laurent.gebeau -emailaddress,,
Things to consider when you change a user’s SIP addressChanging a user’s SIP address has implications. For example, existing meeting links and contacts will no longer work. Users and tenant administrators must be aware of these implications and sign off that they understand these implications.
Attention :
If you start with the domain that you created when you signed up for Office 365 and then you decide to use a custom domain, the user’s SIP address is automatically changed. In this scenario, existing meetings are migrated. For example, the initial SIP address of a user is When you change the domain to use the domain, the user’s SIP address is automatically changed to However, after this first change, any additional changes in the domain will cause meeting links to no longer work. The meeting links have to be manually created. Additionally, users have to notify existing contacts to update their contact list.
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